Thursday, September 16, 2010

Guru Story-Sujatha Finds Independence

Nebulisers are medical equipments most commonly used to treat acute attacks of asthma and wheezing in Hospitals or Nursing Homes. Most of the patients need not use a nebuliser at home. Their inhaled medication is best delivered by an inhaler. However, sometimes people who have very severe asthma, wheezing or other lung diseases find that normal reliever inhalers do not work for them. To help open up the airways or to deal with an attack that comes on very quickly, a doctor may prescribe nebulised reliever medication to use at home. A very small number of people with asthma/wheezing also need to use a nebuliser to take their regular preventive medicine.

Now, I have an interesting healing experience of an young lady who went to buy a Nebuliser and landed up in an Art of Living Part I Course, finally, getting herself cured of a nagging wheezing problem. Ms. Sujatha of Tenkasi near Madurai in South India. shares with us the Divine Grace of Gurudev relieving her from the dependence on Nebuliser and Inhaler.

I had suffered a lot with wheezing problems for the last 14 years especially during the last 6 years, I had totally become an addict to inhalers. It is dangerous to use it more than 3 times per day. As my condition was such, that I had to use it nearly 8 times a day ignoring the warning given in the leaflet.

Due to persistent family problems, leading me to depression and the treatment for it only resulted in my gaining 15 kg weight rather than acquiring peace of mind. I was physically and mentally exhausted taking a lot of medicines like
Deriphylline, Rantac , Emosolone etc.

During January 2004, I was admitted in a Hospital in a coma stage. I was unconscious for nearly two days. It was rather a surprise for the Doctor as very rarely one in a thousand get affected in the brain due to wheezing and considering my age it was exceptional. Even after getting discharged from the hospital very frequently I had to go and inhale the preventive medicine through the Nebuliser. The Doctor seeing my plight asked me to buy a Nebuliser to use it at home.

On April, 19th 2004, I went to Tirunelveli to buy a Nebuliser, but my good fortune I met a relative who suggested that I take the Art of Living Course before buying the equipment. This landed me in the Art of Living Part I Course.

On 22nd April which happened to be my birthday, I got the wonderful Gift of Sudarshan Kriya from Guruji that totally changed my whole life. For the first time in several years I felt my mind becoming totally free, I was in a leisurely mood. I had been longing for this peacefulness.

After my Part I Course I joined the Advanced Meditation Course at Kanyakumari in May 2004 and enjoyed the inward journey from head to heart. It was a memorable experience with Sri.Arunji
's Satsangs and beautiful knowledge sessions.

I continued my regular sadhana and within a few days I was free from Nebuliser, vein Injections and Inhaler. Now I can walk long distances, could climb stairs and sloppy terrain very easily. To convey our Gratitude to Guruji our family went to the Ashram and had Guruji
's darshan.

With Guruji
's blessings, we arranged a Part I Course in our Tenkasi town during end of June 2004. Again in July, 2004 I was fortunate to attend the Advance Meditation Course in the presence of Guruji at Bangalore Ashram. I enjoyed the Peranandham (Pure Bliss) which I could not even dream of a few months back. I do not have words to express my gratitude to Guruji for transforming my life in this short span of time.

It is said that the most unselfish love in the world is Mother's love. But no mother will be able to tell her child, leave your problems to me and be free of your mind. Our Divine Master just wants us to leave all our botherations to him and free our minds and therefore to me his love is more precious than mother
's love.

Guruji showered his divine grace on me and all my problems have vanished within the 5 days of my stay at the Ashram.

I feel Guruji
's presence with me always and this gives me the strength.
It is now my responsibility to spread the awareness of our Divine Master
's efficacious knowledge to as many people as possible.


Note: If you want to share your Guru story with everyone... you may mail the same at

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