Sunday, May 19, 2013

The Birthday Gift

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I would like to share my Guru Story and experience which is just amazing. This is not just one such incident but this one is one of the awesome experience I had. And, I owe Him for this. 
I have an incurable skin disease. I have been facing this since more than 10 years. Rashes appear and disappear for few months. I have seen many dermatologists and all have the same answer and give the same medicines. But, this year it is different. Since November 2012, the psoriasis was severe and was itching a lot. It covered my back, stomach, both of my hands, face and scalp. It was horrible to go outside and meet someone. I stopped wearing half-sleeves and used to always cover my body. I prayed God and Guruji to cure me of this disease or make me strong enough to bear it. But, psoriasis was becoming unbearable and nothing was working. I was unable to bear the itching and irritation caused by it. I was weeping most of the times. 
And, my dear ones gave me a nice half-sleeve shirt to wear it for my birthday which according to the English calendar falls in March. I prayed to Him to at least clear the rashes and marks on my hands so that I can wear the new shirt. I wept a lot those few days before my birthday. But, nothing happened and I did not wear the new shirt on my birthday. I had to wear the same old full-sleeve shirt on my birthday. From this day, I was not looking at His photo and was not talking to Him as well. I used to fold hands before His photo as if it is my duty. 
Next day, while watching the television I came across a short story of a person praying to the God to make him win a million dollar lottery. He used to pray daily and this continued for 5 years. But, nothing happened. Later, God appeared and told him that if he does not buy a lottery ticket how God will make him win million dollars. This story reminded me that I am not doing much effort and I need to see some good dermatologist. Also, after Ruadrabhishekam and satsang on Maha Shivaratri an unknown lady came to me and told that she was staring at the scars/rashes on my face and I need to see a good dermatologist and that will surely cure. She requested me to see the doctor as soon as possible. Later, I was unable to see her again. Now, these two incidents made me to search my contacts and I was able to get the details of my dermatologist whom I used to see 8 years ago. 
Visit to the doctor happened immediately after Shivaratri and he prescribed some medicines and tests. I was able to see positive results. I was able to sleep properly during nights and the itching also reduced and was bearable.  Now, I am feeling much better. 
And, today’s date is April 11, 2013. It is Ugadi, the Indian New Year starts from this day. As per Indian calendar it is my birthday as well. So, He was listening to me and showing me the path. And now I am wearing the new shirt and writing this story. After all, today is also my birthday and what a gift He has given me. I am indebted to Him.

We are very fortunate to be born as human beings. And, we are more fortunate to be under the grace of Guruji. Very few people are lucky to have a Guru who always takes care. 
I have taken a Sankalpa that, I will always do seva when ever required and whatever is possible by me.

Jai Gurudev!!

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