Sunday, September 2, 2012

Power of meditation, Guru Grace :)

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Jai Gurudev,

This experience is another inspiration for giving top priority for spiritual practices – Pranayam, kriya, meditation etc.

As my sister is planning to apply for M.Tech, she needs her T.C. (Transfer Certificate) which was issued to her after completing her post graduation. My sister lives in Hyderabad and in spite of searching all her cupboards, she could not find it. So, she called up my mother who lives in Vishakhapatnam and told her to check at home for the T.C. For the past 20 days my mother has been searching for it every day, but could not locate it. She was very upset with herself that she could not keep her daughter’s certificate safely. As my mother had to move from one house to another in last few years, I thought we had lost my sister's certificate.

As the time was nearing to apply for M.Tech, my sister called up her P.G. college where she did her M.C.A and asked them what is the process to get a duplicate T.C. They said it is a lengthy process and you have to lodge a police complaint. After the police certify that they could not find your T.C., we issue a new one. My sister lost all her hopes of finding her T.C and applying for M.Tech this year.
My mother is very regular in her practices (yoga, pranayam, kriya, meditation). She does Sahaj meditation twice a day (morning and evening). Yesterday evening when she sat for Sahaj, she had a vision of a small bag hiding in a corner of a cupboard and there was a voice telling her – “after coming out of meditation, please search in that cover, you will get it.” However, the voice did not tell her what is there in that cover.

After coming out of meditation, my mother just prayed to Guruji and while searching the cupboard she found that cover in the same corner which she saw in her meditation. To her surprise, when she opened the cover, she found my sister’s T.C, study certificate, and couple of other certificates too. Her joy knew no boundaries. Immediately she called up my sister and me. She was excited like a child. My mother said – if at all I did not have that vision, I would never search that corner because I never keep any valuables there! Well, one can imagine how happy my sister to hear this news :) is

Guruji always says by giving top priority to your practices, you can get everything. It is true :)

Salutations to my master's lotus feet

Sirisha Dabiru

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